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Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching

Prevention is the New Approach to Healthcare!

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I am a certified Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach and I love helping people to better understand the close connection between what we eat and how we feel; physically, mentally and emotionally.

Because every part of the body is connected, I look at not just diet but also lifestyle factors which are relevant to wellness such as sleep, level of exercise or movement each day and how well stress is being managed.

Following a one hour consultation, I make dietary and lifestyle recommendations which we turn into clear "action steps" that help people to reach their personal health goals. Some examples are to:

* improve digestive health

* balance moods

* ease aching joints

* improve skin

* combat headaches

* increase energy

* improve sleep

* reduce food cravings

"Health issues" are the body’s way of communicating that something needs addressing (for more serious symptoms, you should consult a doctor). I help you to understand which foods are best for you to eat and why they will make you feel better for the long-term. This approach is further supported by coaching sessions to help motivate and achieve sustainable behavioural change. 

Your body has amazing healing capacity so with a good diet and lifestyle, you can improve your health right now! You can also help to protect yourself against chronic illness in the future such as Type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease, even with a genetic weakness. Prevention is always preferable to cure.

Vibrant health, now and for the future, is possible and definitely worth the investment!

Audrey Neilson

Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach


Cert. Stress Management IHS

"I have increased energy, reduced stress, balanced hormones and my skin has very much improved."
Sharon K.
"Audrey didn't judge me. She was extremely sympathetic and compassionate and talking to her was
a real eye opener."
Michelle N.
With her guidance, support and great follow up, my quality of life went from poor to great! I lost all the weight I had gained, became close to pain free, felt better (like myself again) and looked great for the first time in years!
Karen H.
Here's what clients have been saying!
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